Way back in my pre-med undergraduate program, an elderly organic chemistry professor said that a key to healthy aging was “keeping your body limber”. He recommended drinking lots of water and stretching every day. I’ve thought a lot about those comments over the years and have most definitely found that keeping your muscles, tendons, and ligaments well hydrated, and flexible through regular stretching are important pieces of the overall health and wellness puzzle. I have also found that many people (including myself) find stretching to be time consuming and tedious, but it is worth the effort by helping prevent scores of different injuries and also has beneficial anti-aging effects on the body. We see many patients at Ten Oaks Health and Wellness in Glenelg that may have been able to avoid their debilitating pain, neck pain, or shoulder pain with a quality stretching routine.

Important Reasons for Stretching

Perhaps the most important reason to incorporate regular stretching into your life is because doing so lengthens muscles and supports increased flexibility. Many muscle tears, strains, and sprains could be avoided if those muscles weren’t so short and tight. Additionally, stretching the larger muscles of your quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves helps to lengthen your lower back muscles, increasing the benefit even more.

When is the Best Time to Stretch?

Static stretching or stretching performed without any bouncing or movement should be done on warm muscles before and after exercise to reduce the risk of injury. Doing some light calisthenics prior to stretching cold muscles will increase stretching’s benefit while reducing injury.

Stretching Tips

When you schedule a consultation with Dr. Glenn Molin at Ten Oaks Health and Wellness in Glenelg, MD, we can help to provide you with stretching resources. The first thing to remember about stretching technique is to take your time and not rush the process. Even a mildly pulled muscle can cause pain and hinder your ability to exercise for quite some time. Take your time when you stretch, even if it cuts into your exercise time.

Another important tip is to stretch gently and focus on what you are doing. Reaching for a little bit more than your body is ready to do is a good way to cause an injury. Just relax and breathe and be in the moment and you will know how far to go. Focused visualization while holding a mental image of the muscle group you’re stretching and focused awareness as the muscle is elongating are effective skills when it comes to stretching. Breathe deeply into the stretch while visualizing helps create a stronger brain / muscle connection.

Stretching should feel good. If you get into a situation where stretching any muscle is causing pain, it’s best to stop and reconsider what you are doing. With skilled treatment followed-up with proper stretching on your own time, you will be able to avoid injuries and keep all areas of your body feeling great.

At Ten Oaks Health and Wellness, Dr. Glenn Molin and his team are grateful for the many referrals we receive from people who live in the Glenelg, West Friendship, Clarksville, Glenwood, Dayton, and Ellicott City regions of Maryland and surrounding communities. It’s worth a conversation to see how we can help you today – please feel free to contact us to schedule a complimentary health consultation.


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